Vipul Amrutlal Shah the filmmaker and writer and director Sudipto Sen narrated movie The Kerala Story – the horrifying human trafficking story of young women from God’s own country — Kerala.
The released short video of The Kerala Story movie indicates a national celebrity speaking about the current regular trafficking and kidnapping of thousands of young women from Kerala to ISIS and other war zones of the world. As per data, more than 32,000 young women have been trafficked and the same remains to be usual anxiety in current times. Producer Vipul Amrutlal Shah commented, “This story is a human tragedy, one that will shake you to the core.
When Sudipto Sen expressed that the movie The Kerala Story its my long research of over 3-4 years. In the first meeting itself I was in moans. That was the same day one I decided to make movie The Kerala Story.
I am happy that we are now growing with the film and we expect to make a very real, balanced and true tale of events captured on The Kerala. Storywriter and director Sudipto Sen shares, the shocking facts is as per a recent investigation, nearly 32,000 girls from Kerala and Mangalore from Hindu and Christian communities have been converted to Islam since 2009 and most of them trafficked to Syria, Afghanistan, and other ISIS and Haqqani influential areas.
Despite accepting these true facts, the government is hardly planning any concrete action plan against such giant international conspiracies led by ISIS-influenced groups.
This will be countless tales of cruelty and cheating have been quoted throughout human history.